Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I Love The 80's

Fashion almost always makes a 360 degree turn.There are some things we can't let go of,some things that come back go away,and come back again, and then ther is the fashion statements that should stay in the past.

I personally have been in love with the 80's for as long as I can remember.As an 80's baby how could I not love the color and uniqueness that came from the 80's.I wlays knew it would come back and hit hard but who knew that some of the crazy things worn back then would come back and take some back down memory lane and open up the younger generations eyes to what used to be?I did.

Jelly's,leggings,cropped jean skirts,bulky bangles,and off the shoulder shirts are just some of the things you can see walking down the street today.All of these things are 80's at it's finnest.

Everyone had a pair of jelly's and although this is one of those fashion statements that shouldn't come back for adults it's really cute on kids.I had every color and every style.

The big belt around the sweater or blouse is still a big thing and even I rock this look from time to time.

Who could forget the leggings and cropped skirt,it's still around and going strong.

Bangles like these can be found at stores like Wet Seal,Forever 21,and other stores that are similar.

The colorful hoop earrings.Wow!I can remember seeing these in high school and that was just three years ago.

LA Gears were just one brand that you couldn't so without in the 80's.

I know you will agree with me when I say that this stuff is still in and is great to see.I love the colors and how free the 80's style is.

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